Non-surgical correction of under-eye circles and bags

Masha Banar PA-C of Visage Sculpture Premier Cosmetic Center of Boston offers non-surgical alternative to lower lids blepharoplasty: besides tear trough correction with fillers like Restylane and Juvederm, there’s now Neotensil, a revolutionary product that diminishes the appearance of circles under eyes Before & After injection of Restylane to tear troughs to diminish dark...
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Boston Botox

Asymmetry of the face caused by paralysis of the facial nerve (here severed in surgery) is due to active side of the face working extra hard. Dysport or Botox can be used to relax overactive muscles and achieve more symmetrical pleasant expression of the face.  

Masha Banar PA-C of Visage Sculpture non-surgical face shaping gives safe alternative to Asian facial features Westernization though non-surgical options.

Masha Banar, PA-C of Visage Sculpture non-surgical face shaping offers non-surgical alternative to Asian face Westernization. Her specialty is non-surgical rhinoplasty (nose job), chin augmentation, cheekbone augmentation, reduction of square jawline, augmentation of supraorbital rim for 3D European projected look.  

Non-Surgical Nose Job (Liquid Nose Job Boston)

Non-Surgical Nose Job Eastern European noses often have a “wave” to them, the tip often stands out compared to the dorsum. I love distinct features that help me guess where the person might be from: full Scottish cheekbones, German square jaw, Scandinavian lightness of the features-Nature sure made it very interesting to be of a...
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