Jaw Augmentation Boston

Jaw Augmentation or Implant Boston

Boston Jaw augmentations is a procedure of cosmetic surgery, by which the implants will be fixed with the jawline so that your chin and haw can have a better look. It can be proven good for the females and males who consider their chin or face to look imbalanced according to their face. This is also very important to define the feature of the jaw. We offer our jaw implants services by professional surgeons, which will assist your face features in balancing the jaw. These implants are often done with some other procedures like rhinoplasty etc. The nose, and jaw are complementary components to balance the features of the face.

Visage offer Treatment by Experienced Jaw surgeons in Boston

We are offering our services by professional and expert surgeons who will offer these implants that will reconstitute the features of your face. If the jaw is not perfect, then +chine’s shape will also become disproportionate, which will impact the whole shape of your face. Sometimes the jaw looks very weak compared to the other parts of the face, or sometimes, it may appear very prominent. We offer these implants that will offer balance harmony to your facial features and provide confidence in your personality. This jaw augmentation Surgery in Boston will provide you with a better look that will groom the charm of your personality.

Factors that will become the reason for a jaw augmentation

What kind of patients and conditions are considered candidates for jaw augmentation.

  • Very small and weak jaw
  • The jawline is not defined
  • Facial features are not defined
  • Tissues of the jawline are suspended.
  • Jaw Augmentation Newton to offer you a more charming look

The jaw augmentations offered by us are good for health, and the goals of jaw surgery are achieved by having a proportional look. As the features of the face for every individual are different and unique, the conditions for jaw augmentation and the procedure of treatment will be also different. Our specialist will examine all the features, conditions, and history of the patient and then decide on the procedure of augmentation. These jaw surgeons will meet all the requirements and expectations of the patients.

Customize options according to the history of patients

We offer these jaw augmentations for different sizes and shapes, and different kinds of materials are used according to need. These surgeries are customized by considering all the cosmetic needs of your face. These jaw augmentations are outpatient processes that will take about an hour to two to complete. Some different kinds of jaw surgery will depend upon the condition of your jaw.

Results of your jaw augmentation will be

These jaw augmentations in Boston are instant processes,. But you will have to do some processes to recover the jaw, recommended by our specialists.

The results will be visible just after the recovery, but the surgical part of the face may be swollen. Or you may feel bruised just for a week.

These implants are made of materials like titanium trussed or silicon sources that will remain permanently. But some changes can be felt after some time.


Some features of our services of jaw augmentation

About the procedure of jaw augmentation

These jaw augmentation processes are just like the plastic surgeries of your jaw. which will change your jaw’s whole look, and these implants are placed by the ears or along with the chin.

Our expert, experienced, and trained surgical doctors do these treatments.

Your Safety is our priority.

Experts do these procedures, so they are very safe, but cosmetic augmentations have risks.

Some side effects may occur, like reactions and allergy, or you may feel bleeding after a week.

Ease of implants

These augmentations as like lip augmentation are very convenient for patients, and patients will be able to do normal routine work within a week.

You will not have to delay your activities or don’t have to take off from the office, as you can continue your work just after the implant.

Price of a jaw implant

The cost for jaw augmentation in Boston depends upon different factors like the history and conditions of patients and the material used. But this augmentation is very cost-effective rates as compared to other ones.

Efficient results

The jaw augmentation Boston will offer a defined look to the jaw. It will provide balance features to your face.

These jaw augmentations retain for many years; if you feel and change, these will be corrected by our expert surgeons. We are also famous in Boston for under eye filler treatments.

Risks or other side effects

No doubt the cosmetic surgeries are done by some specialists, but still, there are some risks, that is along with any cosmetic surgery

  • swelling
  • some implants may prove allergenic
  • Extra bleeding from jaw
  • Damage to nerves can occur in some critical cases
  • Some severe infections may be faced
  • Other complications